Tennis Operations
Glenleigh Tennis
As with the pool, use of the tennis courts is primarily for Glenleigh residents and their guests as well as paid Glenleigh facility members. The courts are also secured with a swipe-card lock, which can be opened using the pool access card.
Access to the courts is between 6:00am – 9:00pm. Unlike the pool, the courts are accessible all year, and play is at your own risk. Residents are encouraged to use their best judgement for suspending play due to inclement weather as well as wet/slick court surfaces.
For nighttime play, the courts are equipped with light fixtures. These are activated by a switch just inside the gate. Please be sure to turn off the lights when leaving the courts at the end of play.
Courts are available for use on a first-come, first served basis. For more information on tennis court usage, or to report maintenance issues, please contact
– Only homeowners and their guests are allowed to use the tennis courts.
– Tennis courts are to be used for tennis play only.
– No riding of bikes, skateboards, roller skates, motorcycles, basketball or baseball play, etc. on the courts.
– No toys, pets, chewing gum, or glass containers of any kind are allowed on the courts.
– No children in non-tennis activities allowed on the courts.
– Only proper attire (i.e. tennis shoes) are permitted.
– Smoking is NOT allowed on the courts.
– Please properly dispose of all trash when finished with play.
– Abusive language will not be tolerated at any time.