The Declaration of Covenants is the legal document that lays out the guidelines for the Glenleigh community as established by the neighborhood builder, John Wieland Homes. These Covenants are recorded as a public document registered with the Cobb County Superior Court Clerk, and are legally binding.
During the closing procedure of our Glenleigh home purchase, we all signed a contract as a new homeowner agreeing to adhere to these Covenants, thereby automatically becoming a member of the Glenleigh Homeowners’ Association (GHOA).
No homeowner can ever recall having read these Covenants prior to, let alone during, the closing procedure. Nevertheless, it is important for you the homeowner to read and comply with this document. Please keep the Covenants with your other important household documents.
An important part of the Covenants is the to oversee the integrity of our neighborhood architecture and structural guidelines to ensure that the value and charm of Glenleigh is preserved by having a consistent look. The GHOA Board of Directors has appointed a Modification Review Committee (MRC) to monitor the external design, appearance, maintenance and repair of all houses within Glenleigh in accordance with the provisions of the Covenants. Members of the MRC are fellow homeowners who have volunteered to serve the Board in this capacity.
The By-Laws of GHOA are the guidelines for the operation of the Association. The bylaws define the duties, rights, and responsibilities of the Board as well as the terms of its Directors, voting rights of homeowners, required meetings and notices of meetings, and other specific items that are necessary to run the GHOA.
Click here to download the GHOA Declaration of Covenants.
Click here to download the GHOA By-Laws.
Click here for more information on the MRC.
Click here for a current listing of the GHOA Board and Committee members.