Neighborhood Watch
While we live in a relatively safe area of Cobb County, incidents do occur. The GHOA Board takes neighborhood security very seriously, and works hard to ensure a safe living environment as possible.
One initiative is our Neighborhood Watch program. The program is a network of Block Captains (fellow Glenleigh homeowners) who have volunteered to serve as a point-of-contact on their particular street for any general safety concerns or observations their immediate neighbors may have. Block Captains, in turn, will keep the HOA Board informed of any incidents or concerns.
Your Block Captain may reach out from time to time with updates on activities in the area, or general incidents to be aware of. Below is the neighborhood zone map and listing of corresponding Block Captains for your street.
– Click on the image to enlarge –
Area 1: Area 6:
Ken Bailey – 4650 Glenleigh Drive Rod Booth – 4518 Kinvarra Circle
Area 2: Area 7:
Julian Thomas – 4653 Glenleigh Drive Chuck Ralston – 4523 Kinvarra Circle
Area 3: Area 8:
Alvin Ashurst – 4808 Lismoor Trace OPEN
Jack Reilly – 4810 Lismoor Trace
Area 4: Area 9:
John Wigington – 4812 Lismoor Trace Jim Kalafut – 4495 Kinvarra Circle
Stephen Smith – 4812 Lismoor Trace Walter Moore – 4497 Kinvarra Circle
Area 5: Area 10:
Steve Gigantiello – 4606 Glyndale Trace OPEN
General Neighborhood Safety Tips
Trust your instincts! If you see any suspicious activity or a crime in progress, notify Cobb County Police immediately by calling 911. Officers have visited Glenleigh in the past to meet with residents and discuss these and other tips for keeping our homes and families safe. They also conduct random patrols of the neighborhood.
Keep doors locked at all times. If you are working out back, keep your front door locked and your garage doors closed. Always lock your doors when you leave, even if you’ll be gone for just a few minutes.
Be aware of home improvement scams. Should an unknown contractor or salesperson show up at your door unannounced, let them know Glenleigh has a strict “No Solicitation” policy and that you will be contacting the police.
Park in your garage whenever possible. If you do park in your driveway, always remember to roll-up your windows, remove any valuables and lock your doors when exiting your car.
Being an alert, watchful neighbor can be one of the best crime prevention tools. Take time to look out for each other when going out of town for any length of time. Make arrangements to pick up each other’s mail, and remove newspapers from each other’s driveways.